1. Polytech


Wireless Communications Group

Founded in 2007, the Group owns expertise in two complementary fields:

propagation channel modeling (Pr. Philippe

     De Doncker)

digital signal processing (Pr. François Horlin)

Propagation channel modeling

The mission of the channel team is the theoretical and experimental characterization and modeling of propagation for emerging communications systems. Expertise range from propagation in indoor environments, urban, and in the near-body region, from HF to mm-wave frequencies.

Digital signal processing

The mission of the DSP team is to develop solutions for emerging digital communications, localization and passive radar systems taking into account hardware implementation and integration constraints. The team studies modulation, access techniques, channel equalization and synchronization.

New publication - Journal paper: Direct Tracking of a Wireless Transmitter based on Rao-Blackwellized Point Mass Filter

March 5, 2024

Direct tracking of a wireless transmitter based on rao-blackwellized point mass filter. Evert Ismael Pocoma, Laurent Storrer, François Quitin, Luc Vandendorpe, Philippe De Doncker, François Horlin

New publication - Journal paper: Self-synchronization based localization of a time-misaligned transmitter in cellular networks

May 25, 2022

Self-synchronization based localization of a time-misaligned transmitter in cellular networks. Evert Ismael Pocoma Copa, François Quitin, Luc Vandendorpe, Philippe De Doncker, Francois Horlin.

New publication - Journal paper: A Stochastic Geometry Approach to EMF Exposure Modeling

May 25, 2022

A Stochastic Geometry Approach to EMF Exposure Modeling, Quentin Gontier, Luca Petrillo, François Rottenberg, François Horlin, Joe Wiart, Claude Oestges, Philippe De Doncker.